Ivan Milat visited his own personal brand of evil on unsuspecting young backpackers traveling in Australia’s New South Wales.

Having previously been in trouble for violent crimes including rape, his first murders took place in 1989. Milat was 45 at the time.

A couple of young British backpackers, Caroline Clarke and Joanne Walters, were unfortunate enough to cross paths with the man who inspired the villain in the horror movie, Wolf Creek. Milat attacked the two young girls, severing both their spines. He stabbed Walters 28 times and apparently used Clarke for target practice with his gun.

Milat went on to torture and murder at least five more young people before being caught. There is much speculation as to whether there are other victims waiting to be discovered. Many of his victims showed the same spinal injuries as Walters and Clarke.

Milat has been in prison since 1994. At a cost of $824 a day, his care has already cost well over $7m to date.