Hunters Stalking

As the world turns and the vast crowds of the unaware go about their daily business, there are hunters at play. Right now, as you read this, unspeakable things are being planned to be done to undeserving victims by broken and twisted killers. They are not limited to a particular region or demographic, they don’t have signs above their heads, they blend in. Many of them on the surface appear to be completely normal. There could be one living next door to you right now.

One quite strong statistic about serial killers is that 90.2% of them are male, only 9.8% female. Their victims on the other hand are much closer percentage wise and perhaps a little surprising. 53.81% of serial killer’s victims are male, 46.19% female.

There have been some famously twisted females through history, Elizabeth Bathory for example. She was alleged to have tortured and murdered over 650 people, mainly young women. Catherine Monvoisin is another. In fact she lays claim to the highest number of claimed victims recorded. She murdered 2,500 through poison over a 19 year period in the late 1600’s.

Number of classified Serial Killers worldwide since 1980 154
Number of classified Serial Killers in the U.S. since 1980 87
Number of active serial killers at any given time in the U.S. 35
Number of serial killer suspects currently on the FBI list 271
Percent of serial killers who experienced problems related to drugs 72.5 %
Percent of psychopath’s that show abnormal brainwave patterns, or EGGs 38 %
Percent of serial killers who received extensive head injuries as children 70 %
Percent of serial killers who will still wetting their beds as adolescents 60 %
Percent of serial killer victims that were chosen completely at random 15 %
Average IQ of serial killers 94.7
Average age of Victims 33.5

But most of these hunters are men. The likes of Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Ed Gein all virtually household names.

Interestingly, generally, they are no Hannibal Lecter. With the average IQ being 94.7 they have below average intelligence. That is not to say there are no mad geniuses among them.  Rodney Alcala is the highest scoring with an IQ of 170. The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, has an IQ of 167. One of those rare female Serial Killers, Charlene Gallego, has an IQ of 160.

If you look at the table on this page, you will see that at any given time in the United States there are on average 35 Serial Killers active. Right now, at this moment, 35 people, most likely all male, going about their business of selecting, stalking and killing their prey.

If you extrapolate that data using the number of classified Serial Killers worldwide since 1980 and Serial Killers in the U.S. since 1980 the conclusion is that there are just under 30 active Serial Killers operating in the rest of the world at any given time. They are out there, hunting, right now.